Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Gnome Journal is out :)

A new number of GNOME Journal is out.. do you see anyone familiar there? http://www.gnomejournal.org/article/87/where-are-they-now-the-participants-of-the-2006-womens-summer-outreach-program

Well, that's an article about a project I participated three years ago..

I hope they keep trying to encourage more women to join this fantastic community! (I'll keep spreading the word too..)

Sunday, 1 November 2009


I'm not a big fan of Halloween... I think I would never get a costume on and go bananas celebrating this american tradition.
But any change to do some cooking and to spend some cosy time with friends is welcomed.

We planned to have a cosy evening with friends, meeting for cooking and having some nice food yesterday night, and just a couple of days before we realized it was actually halloween. So we decided to have something haloweenish for dinner.

It ended up being pumpkin soup for a starter (with coco milk and ginger... yummy!), roast-beef with sweet mashed potatoes (a bit orangy) and a fabulous bat-cake!

The cake came already prepared, in a nice box, but the rest we made it together, with a glass of wine in hand and good company!

The bat-cake is a secret... but here you have the other two recipes... Pumpkin soup with coco milk and Roast-beef with sweet potato mash ... get ready to enjoy some good food :)

Roast-beef with sweet potato mash

(serves 4 people)

800g-1kg prepared roast-beef
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper, or 1 teaspoon smashed black peppercorns
3-4 sweet potato, peeled and cubed into small pieces
3-4 baking potato, peeled and cubed into small pieces
1 tablespoon butter
3 tablespoons cream fraîche
100ml  (or more if necessary) cooking cream (about 12-15% fat)


Cover the roast-beef piece with salt and pepper. Preheat the oven to 225 degrees and then brown the meat for 15 min. Put the temperature down to 165 degrees and let the meat cook until it is done (it has to be about 60 degrees inside). It should take about 40 min.

While the meat is cooking, place the sweet potato and baking potato chunks into a pot of cold water. Bring to a boil, and cook until fork-tender, about 20 minutes from the boil.
Drain off the potatoes, and then return them to the same hot, but now dry, pot. Put the pot on a low heat for just about 1 minute, to allow any excess liquid to burn off. Add in the butter and crème fraîche and season with salt and a bit of pepper. Mash the potatoes with a potato masher. Then add the cream until you have the consistency you desire. Mash a bit more, and you're done.

Pumpkin soup with coco milk

(serves 6 people)

1 piece of pumpkin (about 1200g)
1 bunch spring onions
2 carrots
3 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon grated ginger
1 liter of vegetable broth
Freshly ground pepper
A bit of ground nutmeg
1 / 2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
150 g of cream
400 ml. coconut milk (canned)
2 tablespoons grated coconut


Remove the seeds from the pumpkin, peel and cut into small pieces. Wash and peel the onions and carrots. Cut the carrot into small cubes and onions into big pieces. Separe part of the green stalk and cut in slices for garnish.

Melt butter in a pan and sauté onions until transparent. Then, incorporate pumpkin, diced carrots and ginger and cook everything for 1 minute.

Add the vegetable broth and spices, salt, pepper, nutmeg and cinnamon. Cover the pan and let simmer about 20 minutes.

Reduce to a purée using a blender, and stir in the cream and coconut milk, stirring constantly. Give one boil, season with salt and pepper and garnish the soup with green onion slices and reserved coconut.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Change of look

I haven't been much around here... But I'm back!

First thing I did was to change the face of this page. Hope you like the new look :)

I have a lot of things to talk about, starting for JAOO conference, two weeks ago. But... first things first: exams!

So see you all in a week, when I'm done with them (until they come again!)

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

de vacances!

Per fi les vacances d'estiu altre cop!
Portem tot el juliol amb mal temps i aquesta setmana, de cop i volta, ha sortit el sol. Ni fet expressament! El sol em somriu :)

D'aquí uns dies baixo cap a casa uns dies... i, com cada vegada, em poso a pensar què ha passat en la meva vida des de l'última vegada, o des de les últimes vacances d'estiu... Aquesta vegada en surto molt ben parada, jeje! Per començar, he perdut disset quilos, i surto a córrer els meus 3 o 4 km dos o tres cops per setmana. Sorpresos? Doncs també vaig conèixer un xicot genial just tornar de vacances l'any passat, i ara vivim junts en un piset preciós a Skanderborg, amb vistes al llac :) Ah, i no ens oblidem que encara conservo la feina (cosa important, aquests dies...) i que el meu danès ha millorat força i ja puc mantenir converses d'una manera més o menys normal.

Avui ha començat un festival de música aquí a la nostra ciutat que es diu "El festival més bonic de Dinamarca" (traducció literal de Danmarks Smukkeste Festival, en danès). I ho és, de bonic! Es fa al mig del bosc, amb un escenari a tocar del llac i tot. Ja hem plantat la tenda i hi anem ara després de dinar :) Uns dies de relax, solet i festa!

I després... cap a terres catalanes! I ben acompanyada! Amb ganes de veure els amic, la família, d'ensenyar els llocs que més m'estimo, i potser descobrir-ne de nous tot fent turisme.

Fins ben aviat!!!